Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Me.

Hi! I'm Tiffaney. I moved back to the Steel City a year ago and consider myself worthy of yinzer status at this point. It's a given - if you stay here of your own accord for over 6 months, you just might be a yinzer. I've decided that I refuse to fill the "fat yinzer" stereotype but that I can still be honorarily fat because I'm fat at heart and I love food. I'm still attempting to understand the yinzer obsession with Primanti Bros. Gross. I've found a great selection of vegan friendly spots and will likely rave about them in time. www.eatitandloveit.com is a GREAT site for local restaurant reviews and it's run by my two vegan friends Julie and Nate. Now, I don't buy into the whole "football frenzy". Nor do I care for Iron City beer (unless we're talking $2 pitchers and live music in which case I should mention that I've been swayed in imbibe).

So, after 7 years of living outside of the greater Pittsburgh metro/suburb area, I found myself back in da 'burgh dreaming of a large urban vegan intentional community and a mellow little vegan coffee/sweets shop. I lived in Phoenix for about 6 years and in Santa Cruz for 1 year. Loved the diversity. Stop. Please. Don't tell me that Pgh is diverse. Sure, (especially in my area) there are plenty of foreign European nooks and cranies. But honestly, we lack integrated diversity. Everyone is so damn segregated! But, maybe that's good. I really don't want the big-haired, heavy makeup wearing, mall shopping suburbanites coming into my urban community and telling the boys to cut their hair, lobbying for more chain restaurants, and running over pedestrians and bikers with their huge SUVs. Maybe there is room for everyone here in yinzer-central?

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